1. Describe your experiences about using this product.
I wish I had more to say... There was nothing special about MS Paint or MS Photo Editor. They are basic programs that require
little experience to use. They allow the novice to do the basics that need to be done.
2. Explain why you did or did not deviate from your planned design process.
There was no great plan or process to deviate from for this task. I simply followed the tasks as assigned.
3. Identify a use of this technology tool for teaching and a use for learning.
Teaching students to manipulate images for assignments using Photo Story, or PowerPoint, or some other presentation software
allows them to both be engaged in the learning process as well as produce something creative that helps them retain the material.
It allows me to create more interesting presentations as a teacher.
4. Explain why you had difficulty using a part of this technology tool.
I had no difficulty using this product.
5. Explain what you would do differently if you were going to design with this learning tool again.
I would not change anything since it met the need I had for this task.
6. Predict how you could use your experience to train someone else in the use of this tool.
I would simply sit with them, show them the major functions of this software, and most of all allow them to play. Playing
is the best way to learn this type of software.